The show from October 12th welcomed special guests such as South Korean boyband BTS, Whoopi Goldberg, Jamie Dornan, Rosamund Pike, and Harry Connick Jr. Rosamund looked stunning in a white fitted gown and many of the men wore tailored looks. The celebrities entertained with jovial stories and wowed with their looks. Let us take a look at the outfits of the night for The Graham Norton Show.

Harry Connick Jr

American singer, composer, actor, and television host Harry Connick Jr appeared as a guest on the show, revealing how he found out he got a role in the 1998 romantic comedy Hope Floats with Sandra Bullock. She had ‘You got the part’ written on her stomach as she undressed on their private plane.

Harry also revealed that he’s a sleepwalker and talked of his adventure with a chocolate popsicle. He wore a grey-brown two-piece single breasted suit with a blue tailored shirt underneath. He wore some stubble and slicked back hair. The actor looked handsome and comfortable as he propped himself up on the sofa, his body leaning towards Whoopi.

Jamie Dornan

Irish actor Jamie Dornan, known for the 50 Shades of Grey franchise, admitted his adventure with sleepwalking as a child in which his family woke up to a bathroom surprise. Jamie came on the show to promote his upcoming mini-series Death and Nightingales set in 1880s Ireland.

Jamie wore a two piece single breasted suit with notched lapels in black with a pink tailored button up shirt underneath. To keep things more casual he rolled up his fitted trouser leg and wore more casual brown shoes with his suit. He also opted for stubble and closely cropped hair.


South Korean seven-member pop band, BTS, also known as the Bangtan Boys, performed on the show wearing two piece patterned silk-satin suits. They each wore baggy trousers and different matching blazers. Some wore sparkles and sequins and others had patterned fabric. They each wore different shoes – some trainers and some brogues. They sported floppy 90s-boyband hair.

They each looked stylish and comfortable in their suits, which allowed for active movement and energetic dancing.

Which guest outfit shone?

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Elaine Frieman

Writer and editor from both sides of the pond with a Master's degree in British Victorian Literature and a love of fashion. Elaine Frieman is a dual British and American citizen (with a generic American accent); she has a love of people, travel, reading, writing, food, ballet, theatre, and cultures. And who doesn't love a good suit? She spent her childhood near the rolling green Pennines in the North of England; then she relocated to sunny palm-tree-laden Florida and moved further north to the deep-South Bible belt of Georgia. She currently lives in Todmorden, England with her boyfriend Michael, after having lived in Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, Weiden in der Oberpfalz, Germany, and in Oldham, England. No plans to relocate any time soon.